Pengujian Tahanan Konduktor dan Kekuatan Hot Set Isolasi pada Kabel Solar

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Nurmiati Pasra
Samsurizal Samsurizal
Nana Suryana


Solar cables are very influential on the safety of Solar Power Plant installations, component damage and fire can occur in installations caused by outer casing dimensions and insulation that do not comply with EN 50396 standards. Conductor resistance that does not meet IEC 60228 standards can cause insulation to break and make cable life shorter. The test results found that VOKSEL type cables have an average value of sheath thickness of 0.90 mm, an average insulation thickness of 0.90 mm and conductor resistance of 4.92? / km, while HENGTONG type cables have an average value of sheath thickness of 0.94 mm, an average insulation thickness of 0.87 mm and a conductor resistance value of 3.20? / km, for APAR-UNICAB type cables have an average value of sheath thickness of 0.88 mm,  The average insulation thickness is 0.85 mm and the conductor resistance value is 5.58 ?/km.  From these tests, VOKSEL &; HENGTONG type cables have met the standards of both EN 50618 standard tests for dimensions &; IEC 60228 for conductor resistance. Meanwhile, APAR-UNICAB type cables have met the EN 50618 standard for solar cable dimensions but have not met IEC 60228 standards based on conductor resistance testing.


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How to Cite
Pasra, N., Samsurizal, S., & Suryana, N. (2024). Pengujian Tahanan Konduktor dan Kekuatan Hot Set Isolasi pada Kabel Solar. SUTET, 13(2), 120–127.


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