Alat Pendeteksi Dan Monitoring Kematangan Tape

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Karina Djunaidi
Hendra Jatnika
Rahma Farah Ningrum
Wali Syahputro Cahoyo Kabidoyo


Cassava tape is a type of food made from the result  of fermentation involving yeast in the manufacturing process. Detection of temperature, humidity and weight is carried out to observe the fermentation process  in cassava into tape. The purpose of this study is to design a device that detects whether tape has reached the desired state  automatically using the Dht11 sensor and load cell sensor, with the Arduino uno as the microcontroller.  The result of  this study showed that cassava tape which was fermented at 30-35 degrees Celsius in 24 hours was said to be in the perfect state  and this was marked by the change in  texture, aroma, color and taste of the cassava tape. So it can be concluded that tape fermentation using the detection device  can improve the quality of the tape produced.



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How to Cite
Djunaidi, K., Jatnika, H., Ningrum, R. F., & Kabidoyo, W. S. C. (2019). Alat Pendeteksi Dan Monitoring Kematangan Tape. PETIR, 12(2), 222–230.


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