Metode Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Dalam Pengelompokkan Penggunaan Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga

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Nurul Ramadhanti Hikmiyah
Riki Ruli A. Siregar
Budi Prayitno
Dine Tiara Kusuma
Novi Gusti Pahiyanti


The use of electricity in household sector has increased, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The large number of activities carried out in home such as Work from Home, online schools, and online businesses caused difficulty to monitor the electricity consumption. The absence of electricity usage provisions affects the electricity monitoring process. Hence it takes a real time monitoring application of electricity consumption. Fuzzy subtractive clustering is an unsupervised method to form the number and center of clusters according to data conditions. This method serves to classify the household electricity users with the parameters used, is the amount of usage in rupiah and electric power. The grouping results from this method help users to monitoring electricity consumption in real time. The output describes the level of high, medium and low user electricity consumption. Based on the test results, the best Silhouette Coefficient value is 0.8322535 and three clusters are formed, with an accept ratio is 0.5, a reject ratio of 0.15, a radius of 1.7 and a squash factor of 0.5 hence a high level of use is obtained with an average value of the number of uses in IDR 655,993, power 2757 VA, medium level 240,553, 1071 VA and low level 46,479, 675 VA


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How to Cite
Hikmiyah, N. R., Siregar, R. R. A., Prayitno, B., Kusuma, D. T., & Pahiyanti, N. G. (2021). Metode Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Dalam Pengelompokkan Penggunaan Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga. PETIR, 14(2), 269–279.


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