Pemanfaatan PLTS On Grid Pada Rooftop PLTGU Blok 1 PT PLN Nusantara Power Berbasis Isolarcloud

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Rio Afrianda


PLTS (Solar Power) is an alternative energy that is used as the construction and development of new and renewable energy (EBT) to address the need for electrical energy. Usually the installation of PLTS is connected with software to monitor its work. This research uses a software called Isolarcloud. The purpose of this research is to find out the material used in PLTS, to calculate the input power and output power based on Isolarcloud data, to calculate the efficiency of the inverter connected to Isolarcloud and to know and understand the effect of solar radiation intensity. The research method used is a quantitative method with observation, testing, measurement and data processing. The results obtained are solar panels used as many as 76 pieces with a size of 2m x 1m and inverters and several other equipment. The highest input power and output power are at 12.00 WIB and the lowest is at 07.00 WIB. The efficiency value of the inverter per hour varies where the efficiency value almost reaches 100% so that it can be said that PLTS works optimally which is influenced by the intensity of solar radiation where the intensity of solar radiation increases, the power generated by PLTS also increases.


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How to Cite
Afrianda, R. (2024). Pemanfaatan PLTS On Grid Pada Rooftop PLTGU Blok 1 PT PLN Nusantara Power Berbasis Isolarcloud. KILAT, 12(2), 130–147. Retrieved from


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