Evaluasi Kinerja Stasiun Manggarai Akibat Perubahan Jalur Transit Terhadap Kepuasan Penumpang

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Gita Puspa Artiani
Titin Oktaviani
Nilam Tantri


Train is one of the most popular modes of land transportation between cities through all social classes which must be balanced with appropriate station facilities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the station's performance against changes in the transit line of train travel via Manggarai Station for passengers. The study begins with the identification of factors that influence the path change based on the importance and performance of the station using the survey method. Analyzed with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method and the help of the SPSS version 28.1.0 program. The results show the frequency of respondents' answers to the importance factor, there are 2 statements that get the highest value weight: (X3) Train is a reliable public transportation in saving time and (X7) is chosen as a convenient and safe transportation for traveling to places. recreation. Meanwhile, based on the results of the calculation of the performance factor, there are 3 statements that get the highest value weight, namely (X12) PT. KAI provides information related to changes in transit lines via Manggarai Station to passengers, (X16) PT. KAI changes transit lines to make it easier for passengers who want to transit, and (X19) PT. KAI optimizes station facilities to support passenger comfort and safety. However, based on the results of the overall calculation of the level of conformity, the results obtained were 89.16%. which means the level of conformity of train passengers as a whole is still below the expectation of 100%.


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