Pengaruh Penurunan Efisiensi Generator Sinkro 3 Fasa Akibat Fluktuatif Temperatur Belitan Stator Pada Unit PLTMG Baubau 30 Mw

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Ibnu Hajar


Gas engine power plant is one type of power plant that uses two fuels or better known as dual fuel, where the fuel is natural gas and diesel oil. PLTMG Baubau 30 MW has four generators, each generator has an installed capacity of 9780 kW, at the time of operation of a generator it will certainly result in an increase in temperature, an increase in temperature caused by the current flowing in the stator copper conductor during the loading process, as well as the presence of between the rotor and the air. Basically, the increase in temperature on the side of the stator winding will cause several losses, namely: copper losses, mechanical losses, stray losses and iron core losses. The losses on the generator side will affect the value of the output power efficiency, therefore it is necessary to analyze the generator efficiency value whether the generator can work optimally or less than optimally. By applying quantitative methods, this research can determine the correlation between several variables which then analyze the results, the data collection process from April 1, 2021 to April 20, 2021, the average efficiency of the 3-phase synchronous generator unit Baubau PLTMG 30 MW is 98.28% with the average total losses on the side of the synchronous generator, which is 107,743 kW, this shows that the generator is still in an optimal state and has the power to generate electricity.


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How to Cite
Hajar, I. (2023). Pengaruh Penurunan Efisiensi Generator Sinkro 3 Fasa Akibat Fluktuatif Temperatur Belitan Stator Pada Unit PLTMG Baubau 30 Mw. ENERGI & KELISTRIKAN, 14(2), 129–140.


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